How to Make Plans During Uncertain Times
I’m sharing this very personal story because I’ve noticed that those same anxious feelings have been cropping up for me lately.

Thoughts on Research Productivity During a Pandemic
Look: we're all a bunch of fiercely determined high-achievers. It's how we trained ourselves to excel. No forgiveness, no celebrations, just...on to the next thing. It's how we trained ourselves, but it's also how the system trained us.

The Simplest Way to Get a Ton of Writing Done This Summer (and Still Have a Life)
This simple approach to planning will help you get a ton of writing done this summer.

How to Stop Half-Assing Your Goals (and Get More Efficient)
You know you're not supposed to multi-task. So why do you multi-goal?

Do You Spend Most of Your Time Thinking “I Should Be Writing”? Here Are Six Ways to Free Yourself.
Break the "I should be writing" pattern with these six tips.

The Real Key to Being a Productive Academic Writer
The real key to being a productive academic writer has less to do with goals, plans, and efficiency, and more to do with this.

The Five-Minute Habit That Will Boost Your Writing Productivity
Apply this habit and watch your writing productivity go through the roof.

Five Reasons You’re Not Hitting Your Writing Goals
Here are five reasons why goal-setting can fail.

Five Ways I Sabotaged My Productivity Without Even Realizing It
Once I noticed how I was sabotaging myself, things finally started to change.