How to Update Your NIH Biosketch to the New Format
I’m going to walk you through the changes to NIH’s Biosketch and help you avoid the biggest mistakes and missed opportunities that I see when reviewing.

How to Make Plans During Uncertain Times
I’m sharing this very personal story because I’ve noticed that those same anxious feelings have been cropping up for me lately.

How to Get Ideas Out of Your Head and Onto the Page
What do you do when your idea makes complete sense in your brain, but then when you try to write it down it looks like hot garbage?

How to Make Your Grant Proposal More Persuasive (and More Competitive)
Getting grant funding is harder than winning on Shark Tank. Don’t believe me? I’ll prove it. (And then I’ll tell you how to make your grant better)

How to Prep for the Fall Grant Cycle Without Ruining Your Summer
I'm sure the last thing you want to be doing right now is thinking about September, but I promise you that taking a few small steps right now will help make the fall grant cycle go much more smoothly.

Grant Writing Lessons From the Fyre Festival Debacle
I know, I know. Capitalizing on a cultural moment to pontificate about grant writing. I’m so transparent. But trust me: there are some good lessons here.

What to Do After You Submit Your Grant (Besides Pour a Drink)
Before you pour that tumbler of vodka and congratulate yourself on submitting your application one minute before the deadline (c'mon, we've all done it): take 10 minutes to write a few things down. I'll take you through what to include.

How Specific Should I Be in My Grant Proposal?
Read my answer to a client question about how specific to be in a grant proposal.

Stop Guessing: Five Ways to Know Exactly What the Funder Wants
A lot of people I work with, whether they're applying for research grants or non-profit funding, have the same question: How do I know what the funder wants? Here are five ways to find out.

Three (Unsexy) Ways to Write a Successful Grant
Let's be real for a minute: good grant writing is not sexy.
No matter how ambitious, world-changing, and brilliant your idea is, the steps you need to take to write a fundable proposal are seriously mundane.

What Saturday Night Live Can Teach You About Grant Writing Strategy
There's plenty to learn about grant writing strategy from an old SNL clip.

#NailedIt: How to Make Your Grant Proposal Stand Out
Once you've prepared all of the required components of your grant proposal, how do you actually make it good? How do you make it stand out? I'll show you.

How to Write in Teams (Without Losing Your Sh*t)
Four ways to make team writing less Lord of the Flies.

Nine Ways to Make Grant Writing Less Stressful
Grant writing doesn't need to cause epic meltdowns. Here are 9 ways to make it less stressful.

Take a Dump
There's a reason I love this piece of writing advice. First, it appeals to the part of me that still has a third-grade sense of humour (um, that would be a big part). Second, and more importantly, it's highly effective. And so simple.

How to Structure Your Academic Paper in Five Minutes
Take five minutes to figure out where you're going and you won't get lost (or lose your reader).

How to Save Hours of Writing Time
What Ron Swanson of Parks and Recreation can teach you about writing.