Tutorial Tuesdays: Why You Need to Address 'So What' in Your Paper
In this episode of Tutorial Tuesdays, learn why you need to address the ‘So What’ question.

Tutorial Tuesdays: How to Anticipate and Address Questions
Episode 7 covers why and how to anticipate and address questions. Part of this month’s series on writing a rejection-proof paper. Watch now >>

Tutorial Tuesdays: Why You Need to Choose Your Journal Before You Start Writing
In Episode 6 of Tutorial Tuesdays, I explain why it’s important to choose your journal first, not last. Watch now >>

Tutorial Tuesdays: How to Write a Rejection-Proof Paper
Welcome to a new month and a new topic for Tutorial Tuesdays!
This month you'll learn key writing skills and strategies to help you get your paper published in your target journal. Watch now >>