Keep It Simple, Smartypants.
KISS has been my writing philosophy since high school. My English teacher gave us this essay, and it rocked my fifteen-year-old brain.
(I only recently started applying this philosophy to my personal life, but that's a story for another time.)
Yes, that's Ai Weiwei. #activistmug
Academics sometimes fall into the trap of believing that using fancy language will make their work sound more intelligent.
I disagree. Vehemently.
The best academic writing is plain and pithy. I'm way more impressed with people who can explain their intricate thinking to a layperson. Can your grandma read it? Great. You're a genius.
Keeping things simple doesn't mean dumbing down your writing or your work. It means using plain language and basic sentence structure. It means following the conventions of your discipline while keeping your writing accessible. It means making it easy for your readers.
Let your thinking be complex, not your writing. There's no glory in sending your readers into a swamp of fussy words, elaborate sentences, and dense paragraphs. Why would you make it difficult for someone to read your work? You're already smart. No need to gild the lily, my friend.
If writing is frustrating for you, try taking the pressure off by ignoring the impulse to sound intelligent. Write in plain language. I know. I KNOW it sounds counter-intuitive, but the aim of the game with a first draft is to get words on a page. Just try it and see how it goes. There's always an opportunity to tart things up later on.
How can you keep it simple? Here are two easy ways to start:
Is there a shorter way to say it? For example: Are you saying the same thing more than once? vs. Are you repeating yourself?
If there’s a choice between a simple word and a fancy one, choose simple. One example (and a huge pet peeve of mine—DON'T EVER DO THIS) is choosing ‘utilize’ when ‘use’ is perfectly fine.
Do your best to write logically and plainly, even if (especially if!) your ideas are complex. Your work is more likely to be read and disseminated (or funded) if you can convey it clearly.